I am a Homeschooler and proud of it!
Here are some common lies about homeschoolers that everyone needs to know before you try to strike down homeschooling.
1# The most common lie of all, Homeschoolers are not social.
This is not true!!!! I have wonderful friends here in Nashville, and more amazing friends
[Including my best friend] where I use to live.
And if you ask anyone that is in public school, they will probably tell you that they have befriended or know a homeschooler.
Some people say that homeschoolers are somewhat social, but they can get a better social experience if they go to public school so they can learn what "it" girls are like, and bullies.
Now I know that this does not apply to everyone, but I have been mildly bullied back where I used to live, because of a step that I had to do in jazz class. Fortunately my teacher noticed that it was embarrassing and took it out of the chorography, but for the next year I was constantly reminded when I got to class of that step and by the end of the year I didn't even care anymore. So one day I just shrugged and grinned along with them and I never saw them again, really, I never did, the people that were bulling me left at the end of the semester.
2# Homeschoolers do not learn anything.
Again, this is not true. Every homeschooling family has their own different method of teaching, and that is how it should be. And if you look in the bible it says everywhere things like, train up "YOUR" child in the way he should go. So if you think about it, which I would take time to, homeschoolers are doing exactly what God has asked them to do. Not to be rude or offensive, but God never has said go take your kids to public school and let other people teach them. And one of the best things about being homeschooled is that you actually learn more, because you work at your pace instead of being rushed into learning this new random thing and then having to do a test on it the next day.
3# All homeschoolers work together in co-op.
Some homeschoolers do, some homeschoolers don't, I used to go when I was younger but I don't now. And I personally think it is better this way.
I hope you understand more about homeschooling and thank you for taking the time to read this post. And I think its safe to say that all these lies have been proven false.
Have any myths or lies that you think I should talk about in a post?
Please comment down below.
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Great use of the statistical chart! Very interesting information. Thank you for sharing it.